Geneva Peace Week: Non-violence, a strategy for peace

Non-violence, a strategy for peace

Palais des Nations
1202 Genève
Jeudi 8 novembre 2018 de 16:15 à 17:30

Inscription ci-dessous:

As Rajagopal says, the Gandhian leader of the voiceless and landless people of India:

« Between violence and silence, there is non-violence ».

A global march will carry this message from Delhi to Geneva in September 2020.

After spending his life helping the poor to peacefully defend their rights, Rajagopal brings together the marginalized populations of the world to build a fairer world. The Jai Jagat Campaign (« Victory of the World ») aims to implement the objectives of sustainable development by the most marginalized populations. After watching a film about the 2007 Janadesh Great March, Rajagopal will demonstrate the relevance of Gandhian methods to the violence and hatred that threaten humanity today.


Rajagopal P.V, Gandhian leader of Jai Jagat 2020

Rémy Pagani, deputy mayor of the City of Geneva

* In the video below Rajagopal explains why the great march Jai Jagat will arrive in Geneva and why non-violence is an effective strategy: